Vision Not Victim

join us!

The liberation of girls takes all of us.

For gender equity, and a world where girls are safe, and have equal chances of choices- for this - it takes all of us fighting for the girls in our lives and those around the globe. If you are interested in joining the VNV movement and collaborating with us on this critical work with girls please reach out. 

We work with organizations, communities, schools, and collaborate with business partners to creatively elevate the voices and visibility of girls in communities everywhere. 

We’d love to work with you. 

Vision Not Victim’s process is designed to be flexible and adaptable. We work alongside our partners to tailor VNV to the needs and context of the girls they work with. We are practiced facilitators that can implement the program directly and can train (using a train-the-trainers model) your team to integrate the Vision Not Victim process into existing programs as well.

If you don’t have the resources, don’t let that stop you from contacting us - let’s talk and see what solutions can be found to making collaboration a reality.




We highly value collaboration, new ideas, and feedback. Please reach out!  

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