Our Vision & Mission
Ending Violence. Building Futures.
Our work with girls around the world has shown us that insurgent imagination leads to making real what was thought to be impossible. Our dreaming and visions for our futures lead to hope, strategy, creativity, and the activism that can shift the paradigm and change what is considered “normal,” leading us to build societies anew.
Girls have shown us that when they are put into a box, given small limited space of what they can be, how they are seen, heard, a small space to exist within – girls fight their way out, pushing forward for new space, and in doing so create space for others. In response to these boxes that limit existence and identity – girls fight out, aspire out, love out and bend and break the bars that confine themselves and others.
Girls have shown us that finding beauty and light in the darkest of places is one of the greatest tools of resilience.
Vision Not Victim exists to support girls in this process - of dreaming, aspiring, designing, creating, and fighting into new futures.
Our vision is the end of violence and oppression of any kind and a new world where girls have the freedom, power, and resources to pursue the visions of their choice.
Yvette | Age 13 | From: Democratic Republic of Congo | Vision: future photographer
“In this picture, I am photographing a model for a fashion campaign. I love showing people their image—I love taking pictures of my friends and family and giving them a glimpse of how they appear, how others see them, how beautiful they may be.”